Thursday 7 August 2008

Step 10 & 11 Done

Well at last eBay decided to have a ½ price listing day. So I took the rest of my stuff that I had not had time to list into the office and sat entering everything today. As luck would have it my boss saw some items he wanted, even before I had finished listing everything I had successfully sold £8 worth of stuff.

This made me smile, so I have moved onto the steps with some bigger figures. My stake money now stands at £10.46 and that is after I have taken into account the listing fees. So now I hope that I will sell enough on eBay to get me up to the next step.

I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don't do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.

Monday 4 August 2008

Step 9 Completed

The weekend was spent organising my house getting ready for the new arrival to our family as my wife is predicted to give birth on the 11th August, so new space is needed in the house.

During the organisation I found an old jacket that I never use anymore and I decided to give it to the cloth bank as it is a perfectly good jacket. In on e of the pocket I found 97p change and decided I would add this to my stake money, so now I have completed step 9. I am looking forward to going on to the bigger steps.

If you want to earn more you must learn more