Tuesday 23 September 2008

The Next Step

So yesterday I bought the Google Nemesis program and so far I have read about 200 pages and watch some of the videos. It all looks very good so far so I am hoping it will work as good as the sales letter saies it should. 
My aim is to have my 1st ad running by the end of this week so I can test this system and see if I can make some money for my doubling game from what appears to be a very lucrative market.
I will make sure I post my progress for anyone who is interested in this as a way to move up the doubling ladder.

" The only thing you should ever surrender to is the power of your own enthusiasm." 

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Affiliate Marketing

I have been studying how to make money as Affiliate marketer and have got lots of ebooks on the subject now. I think it looks like a way to make money online and I just need some help in picking the right products to promote. As such I have found a product that promotes that they will assist in this matter so I think I will give it a go. They offer a 60 days money back guarantee so if it does not work I should be able to get my money back. If anyone is interested to read about it here is a link to their sales page, Google Nemesis.

I will make sure I report back on my findings about this here on my blog, so anyone who wants an honest appraisal of this system can get it here soon.

Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. 
-- Picasso

Monday 8 September 2008

A BIG Step for Me

Well it has been some time since I updated my blog. The main reason is my wife gave birth to our 2nd son and that has kind of taken president in my life. It is a joy to see ones family growing, and to see this tiny child and imagine he will grow up and become a big person is just amazing.

So my eBay session finished and I made £12 profit, so that put me on step 12, so I can see progress.

I was lucky enough to have some people who needed my computer expertise to fix their computers so I fix their systems and when all the money is in I have added £290 to my stake money. Add this to my £22.47 and I now have a respectable £322.47 so that has catapulted me to Step 17. (£320 -£640).

As I now have a respectable pot I need to find a new way to increase it, so I am working on getting a system in place for making money online. When the cheques clear by the end of this week I hope I will have found some ways to make money online to help me achieve my target for this year which is set at completing step 20 by the end of December 2008, so that I only have 8 steps to go when I start 2009.

"There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment…. It gives warmth and good feeling to all your personal relationships." - Norman Vincent Peale

Thursday 7 August 2008

Step 10 & 11 Done

Well at last eBay decided to have a ½ price listing day. So I took the rest of my stuff that I had not had time to list into the office and sat entering everything today. As luck would have it my boss saw some items he wanted, even before I had finished listing everything I had successfully sold £8 worth of stuff.

This made me smile, so I have moved onto the steps with some bigger figures. My stake money now stands at £10.46 and that is after I have taken into account the listing fees. So now I hope that I will sell enough on eBay to get me up to the next step.

I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don't do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.

Monday 4 August 2008

Step 9 Completed

The weekend was spent organising my house getting ready for the new arrival to our family as my wife is predicted to give birth on the 11th August, so new space is needed in the house.

During the organisation I found an old jacket that I never use anymore and I decided to give it to the cloth bank as it is a perfectly good jacket. In on e of the pocket I found 97p change and decided I would add this to my stake money, so now I have completed step 9. I am looking forward to going on to the bigger steps.

If you want to earn more you must learn more

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Step 8 Done

Well it looks like it has been quiet on this blog for some time, but I have been quietly beavering away at preparing my eBay list ready to upload it when they have a cheap listing day. I have spread the word and in the process I have been given a Cat transport box , a cat scratch pole, and an old violin. So although the pot has not increased my assets to be sold on eBay have been increasing.

So how have I completed step 8? Well as I was going through all the old laptop bags I have been given over the years I found a small bag with change in it. There was 20p in coppers, 2 * 5p, 2 * 10p and £1 coin. I added this £1.50 to my stake money of 80p and now I have the grand total of £2.30, so well on my way to complete step 9.

I am also looking into what business I can start on line when I make some more stake money, so a lot of reading about the subject of making money online is being done in preparation for the later steps as I want to be prepared to take action as soon as my eBay venture bears fruit.

You can't change the wind, you can however adjust your sails.

Monday 14 July 2008

Step 6 & 7 done.

I love car parks. Went for a walk and just on the grass verge of the car park was a shiny new 50p. Nice! Added to my stake and completed Steps 6 and 7 in a single walk. I think I will have to go for a walk more often in the future. Have added more stuff ready for my eBay listing, just waiting for them to do a 5p listing day again now.

The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself

Friday 11 July 2008

Step 5 Achieved

Another step closer! I went to get petrol for my car and at the pump I saw a 20p piece. Yeahh I thought, amazing how I can get exited about finding small change all of a sudden. Step 5 is done and I am on step 6, how cool is this.

I installed Turbo Lister on my laptop, so I can add all my old junk to it and wait for eBay to have a 5p listing day, then I will list all my junk for 5p each. I have also had another brain storm, I am asking all my friends and family if they have any junk they do not use and want to get rid of, then I will pick it up and list it on eBay as well. They get their junk removed for free and I get all this stuff to list on eBay. Let’s see how it goes.

If anyone wants to use Turbo Lister then you can get it for free from eBay; http://pages.ebay.co.uk/turbo_lister/

It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Think Think Think !

I was thinking about what I could do to complete the next step last night, and I suddenly realised that all the old computer junk I have in lots of big boxes that I was getting ready to take to the tip and become landfill could possibly be sold on Ebay. So I got some of the items out of the box and will try to list them on Ebay and see if there is any interest in them and if I can make a few £ to take me closer to step 28.

This does flaunt rule 10, in so far as I am not using stake money and using “hidden” resources. My take on this is that I was going to throw all this stuff out, it is cluttering up my house and it was the fact that I have focused my mind on achieving my goal of reaching Step 28 that got me to take action and try to convert these items into more stake money, so I am happy to break this rule.

I am always amazed at how the mind works, as soon as you start thinking about something all kind of ideas start flooding in. It is like when you decide to buy a new car, you have hardly seen any of them on the road and as soon as you get your new car you keep seeing them everywhere.

Whatsoever the mind can conceive and believe ... it can achieve. -- Napoleon Hill

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Step 1 , 2, 3, 4 Completed

WOW !!! The power of focusing your mind. After my 1st post the sun was shining so I thought I would take a quick walk outside in the car park and see if I could find my 1p to get started straight away … and there in the gutter was a 10p piece.

So I have completed Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 all in less than 1 hour from a standing start.

Now onwards to Step 5 to make it 16p

What a cool game.

It Starts Here

So what is this all about? Well the idea is to not look at how to make £1 Million from where you are now, as the mind usually has a bit of an issue with going from zero to 1 million in 1 step, but more about starting small and building up. So according to this game, you start by finding 1p and then the job is to double it to 2p and so on. Surprisingly it only takes 28 steps to reach over 1 million in this way.

When I read this little book which outlines the rules and goals of this game it reminded me of a VERY early morning in Greece. We had hired a sailing boat to sail around the Greek islands and one morning my dad came to me and told me I had to come with him, he had something to show me. It was still dark… very early in the morning, and we walked up this big hill so he could show me the sun rise. As I am NOT an early bird and I was 21 this was not the best use of my time as far as I was concerned. On the way back to the ship my dad explained to me if I took £1 and doubled it every year I would be a very rich man. At that time it was a lesson that was lost on me. But now some 20 years later here I am reading the same principal and I can see it so much clear now. I hope some day my son might remember something I told him when he grows up.

So enough of all this nostalgia, as Mr Holms is fond of saying “The games a foot Mr Watson”. So the steps are simple, we start by finding or be given the stake money all of 1p and then just doubling it. It goes something like this;

Step 1; Find 1p lying on the ground

Step 2; 1p – 2p

Step 3; 2p – 4p

Step 4; 4p – 8p

Step 5; 8p – 16p

Step 6; 16p – 32p

Step 7; 32p – 64p

Step 8; 64p - £1.28

Step 9; £1.28 - £2.56

Step 10; £2.56 - £5.12 (round it down to £5)

Step 11; £5 - £10

Step 12; £10 - £20

Step 13; £20 - £40

Step 14; £40 - £80

Step 15; £80 - £160

Step 16; £160 - £320

Step 17; £320 - £640

Step 18; £640 - £1,280

Step 19; £1,280 - £2,560

Step 20; £2,560 - £5,120 (round down to £5000)

Step 21; £5,000 - £10,000

Step 22; £10,000 - £20,000

Step 23; £20,000 - £40,000

Step 24; £40,000 - £80,000

Step 25; £80,000 - £160,000

Step 26; £160,000 – 320,000

Step 27; £320,000 - £640,000

Step 28; £640,000 - £1,280,000

So I now start my search for the stake money of 1p to get going.