Wednesday 9 July 2008

Think Think Think !

I was thinking about what I could do to complete the next step last night, and I suddenly realised that all the old computer junk I have in lots of big boxes that I was getting ready to take to the tip and become landfill could possibly be sold on Ebay. So I got some of the items out of the box and will try to list them on Ebay and see if there is any interest in them and if I can make a few £ to take me closer to step 28.

This does flaunt rule 10, in so far as I am not using stake money and using “hidden” resources. My take on this is that I was going to throw all this stuff out, it is cluttering up my house and it was the fact that I have focused my mind on achieving my goal of reaching Step 28 that got me to take action and try to convert these items into more stake money, so I am happy to break this rule.

I am always amazed at how the mind works, as soon as you start thinking about something all kind of ideas start flooding in. It is like when you decide to buy a new car, you have hardly seen any of them on the road and as soon as you get your new car you keep seeing them everywhere.

Whatsoever the mind can conceive and believe ... it can achieve. -- Napoleon Hill

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